
Is the media ecosystem to blame or the way we consume it? All educations that are not purely experience based are controlled delivery of various media with proper guidance for digestion. In its original form you had live theatre from an experienced human. Public media is, to some extent, being held accountable for the information it spreads or stifles. The growth of private media sharing platforms with no regulation whatsoever exploits the popularity of their use to spread nonsense for profit at the detriment of the consumers.

There was a time you would know better than to listen to the ramblings of the doomsayer behind the church, because you were taught better. Today I meet too many adults who take medical advice from influencers, scientific knowledges from youtube streamers and nutritional advice from popular memes.

People always loved to spout nonsense, knowing what to listen to is the skill we are slowly losing. I don’t think the source is to blame

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I view how we interact with media as one component of the media ecosystem, in that your susceptibility to what you hear is modulated by what you’ve heard in the past (e.g. “don’t trust MAGA!” or “don’t trust libtards!”). So it is both self-modulating, and heavily influenced by the medium one uses to receive information. The root is often, again, both how and what information gets disseminated.

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When studying oenology you will be submitted to MANY blind tasting is which you are literally tested on how well you accompany this well known sensory experience with words.

And that is just to name ONE domain.

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Yes though that is neither a common day-to-day experience nor purely focused on smell

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Okay then how about walking through most stores and being advertised scented candles, incense, soaps and shampoos. All scent focused literature meant to paint a picture of a smell

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True. Scented candle stores are awesome and I predict soon to be way more mainstream

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You say this would be more “wholesome” than capitalism. Is this desirable? Is that what capitalism fails the most at? Is the wholsome-ness of a system not an Is-Ought question?

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It’s very Kumbaya. But whether it’s better indeed depends on values. But what’s cool about acausal trade is that you have to model the values random sentience is likely to have. Is capitalism the be all and end all or simply incidental to how human history has unfolded that far? Whether you truly believe should affect how you design your intergalactic trade system

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